Please plan flights to Toronto to arrive before noon and flights from Toronto to depart after 1:30 pm.
If your daughter or son will be flying to camp, please advise us if they will be travelling in the care of the airline. Your child’s flight will be met by a camp representative at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport. Please check your child in online and pay any baggage and care of the airline fees in advance of your child’s flight home.
The camp bus departs from the airport at 1:30pm on its way to camp on July 1st and July 26th. Please ensure that your child’s flight will arrive with adequate time for them to collect their baggage and clear customs before this time.
The camp bus will arrive at the airport from camp on July 25th and August 19th at 11:00am. Again, please plan for your child to have adequate time to check in and get to their gate before their flight departs. Campers flying to the United States will go through U.S. Customs at the Toronto Airport, which will also require additional time.
On July 13th and August 7th, limited camp van transportation is only available between Camp and Toronto bus location (Home Depot, 90 Billy Bishop Way M3K 2C8). Airport pick ups and drop offs are not available on these dates.